Calendar with Background
Ragout Bazella, Fresh Fruit and Granola Bar||ragout-bazella
Macaroni With Minced Meat & Tomato Sauce, Fresh Fruit and Carrot Muffins||macaroni-viande
Armenian Bulgur Pilaf Snack with Chickpeas, Chicken, Fruit & Cheese Crackers||boulgour-pilaf
Chinese Rice with Vegetables, Fresh Fruit and Yogurt||riz-chinois
Lentil & Vegetable Soup, Fresh Fruit and Rice Cakes||soupe-lentilles
Bulgur with Legumes and Ground Meat, Fresh Fruits and Applesauce||boulgour-legumineuse
Moujadara, Fresh Fruit and Homemade Cake||moujadara
Beef Chili With Rice, Fresh Fruit and Tapioca Pudding||chili-boeuf
Royal Couscous Chicken & Chickpeas, Fresh Fruits and Yogurt||couscous-royal
Macaroni With Bechamel Sauce & Broccoli, Fresh Fruit and Creme Cheese Toast||mac-bechamel
Macaroni with Rosé Sauce and Ground Meat, Fresh Fruit and Bear Paw Cookie||macaroni-rose
Mashed Potatoes and Meatballs, Fresh Fruit and Apple Pie||puree-boulettes
Chinese Pilaf With Chicken, Rice & Vegetables, Fresh Fruit and Yogurt||pilaf-chinois
Shepard's Pie, Fresh Fruit and Yogurt||pate-chinois
Orzo with Chicken and Carrots, Fresh Fruit and Rice Cakes||orzo-poulet
Vermichelle & Vegetable Soup, Fresh Fruits and Rice Cakes||soupe-vermicelles
Macaroni With Bechamel Sauce & Broccoli, Fresh Fruit and Creme Cheese Toast||mac-bechamel
Lasagna with Minced Meat, Fresh Fruit and Tapioca Pudding||lasagne-viande
Cod with rice and vegetables, Fresh Fruit and Yogurt||morue-riz
Beef ragout, Fresh Fruit and Creme Cheese Toast||ragout-boeuff